Human body has since ages, been referred to as the best doctor. Mother nature has empowered the human body with a wonderful element, the body’s natural defense system called the “Immune System”. If this immune system is in perfect order, our body has the tremendous potential to deal with any kind of ailment which afflicts the body. The immune system remains strong if we nurture our bodies with judicious and nutritious eating habits, sleeping habits and proper exercise. But, unfortunately, owing to the changing life styles, our immune system has, over the years, been gradually and constantly deteriorating. We are living in an environment loaded with numerous kinds of toxins, which is affecting our health through the food, water and the air, by playing havoc with our immune system, The Natural Healer.
Medical science, despite so many advances, is finding itself difficult to cope with the ever-increasing diseases and health disorders. The world today is discussing the problem of drug resistance. According to Prof. George Poste, Director of the Biodesign Institute of Arizona State University and an advisor to the US Govt., the world may run out of effective antibiotics by the end of this decade and face a gap of at least five years before new drugs can be developed to combat super bugs. For the world as a whole, this kind of drug resistance should be extremely worrying. In the present times, ‘Health’, in real terms, has become a rarity
The above discussion does not mean that we stop the use of drugs. No drugs will also mean a lot of human suffering and death. What is needed is still better research and long term trials before the launch of any drug and their judicious use. At the same time we also need to encourage our age old knowledge of traditional and alternative cures.
Fortunately, many medical centers are helping to bridge this research gap by establishing departments of complementary and alternative medicine.
The world is looking up to the ‘Alternative Systems of Medicine and Holistic Approach’ to tackle the ever-increasing health problems and ailments. There are remedies available in natural herbs for almost all kinds of diseases. The real need is to know and understand them. To achieve this, more and more stress is being given to the naturally growing herbs and researchers are working to unfold the mysterious healing potential of the herbs.
A new terminology called ‘Integrated Medicine’ has also emerged, wherein some doctors are starting to incorporate alternative (traditional) treatments into the modern system.
We, at “Ayurda”, are endeavoring to deliver “Natural Health Products” that can help people live healthy lives.